Posts tagged with "Mexico"
As Donald Trump Talks Wall, China Builds Bridges To Latin America
Over the past decade China has displaced the US as the main trading partner in Latin America.
LIMA, PERU: An expected US economic retreat from Latin America under Donald Trump is causing the region’s leaders to look halfway around the world, to China, for help weathering the possible financial headwinds.
They’ll have the perfect opportunity to make their appeal this week when Chinese President Xi Jinping attends a Pacific Rim summit as...
Massive trade deficit of US with India, China, Mexico: Trump
The US has a “massive” trade deficit with countries like India, China and Mexico, presumptive presidential nominee of Republican party Donald Trump today said, alleging that practically every country in the world who do business with the US tries to “rip it off”.
Republican U.S. presidential nominee Donald Trump.
“People are tired. They want to have strength. They don’t want to have trade deals where China has got a trade deficit of USD...